Phil Betts (dot com) Art & thought

A graduation photo in a Macquarie University frame. I'm wearing crimson doctoral graduation robes and a puffy hat, holding my degree, shaking hands with the Pro-Vice Chancellor Nick Mansfield, who is wearing a fetching gold and black striped number.

And We’re Back

I had to figure out how to log back in to this website to post an update. It’s been a while. Hi. I’ve got good news for you. 2024 is going to be a...

The BenRiach 16

“The BenRiach 16 Year Old is an old cottage in the German wilderness – a page out of a Brothers Grimm fairytale. Predominantly sweet with honey and ripe fruit, there’s a dark undercurrent, rich and...

W_nderings – 8 August, 2016

Things that have caught my fancy on the world wide web: Artist creates incredibly tiny floating worlds | Dark Patterns are designed to trick you | Is it just me, or is the world going crazy? | The day we discovered our parents were Russian spies | Real underground kingdom that has existed for millions of years went unnoticed, until recently | Why passports come in 4 standard colours…

W_nderings – 31 July, 2016

Things wot caught my fancy. The UX Secret That Will Ruin Apps For You by Mark Wilson, Fastcodesign [1000 words] – Details how lots of sites can process certain functions in a split second...